Friday, January 28, 2011

Long time since update

As you have probably noticed, I haven't been updating this site in awhile. 

I don't know yet what I will do with this site, but for now, I am updating my  often.  So if your looking for an update, that is where you will find it.  Lots of good stuff going on.  :) 

Friday, January 7, 2011

Not feeling so good

Lately, I feel crummy.  I've been struggling to fight off these headaches that seem to be plaguing me.

I go to bed with it, and wake up with it.  Tylenol doesn't do the trick. 

Still starving all the time, and nothing sounds good, and sleepy.  I just feel drained.  What should I expect, right? :)

It definitely not the end of the world. 

My family is out of town, so it's just me, and Mr. Herbie holding down the fort.  I couldn't go, because we don't want to cause any irritation and I am stuck on my bum.... it's very lonely and too quiet around here.  I miss them!  I need someone to keep me company.  Ah well...once again, not the end of the world. 

I just wish these headaches would go away. 

Monday, January 3, 2011

So In Love!

My how they've grown! 

They are beautiful. we are head over heals for them!  Both babies had heartbeat of 171, and both of them measured right on.  Pretty amazing for such dreary news a couple weeks ago.  :)  Woot!

Both of our little ones were showing us their moves, which absolutely had me all choked up.  It was unbelievable...I could watch them all day! 

It's possible that they share a's hard to tell for sure, but the bleed surrounds both of them, so it may just be one....which means it could be that they are identical.  I won't hold my breath on that one though.  We have one more appointment with the RE next Monday, and then we are done with them.  I am sad about that...and now we have to move on and find the perfect match for us..which is hard.  UGH.  We have an appointment with a perio on the 14th.  I'm not sure if he delivers, and if not, I have to find an OB too.  Good news is that we are going to be watched frequently, which means we see the babies frequently.  :) 

So exciting! 

Saturday, January 1, 2011

8 weeks 5 days: Happy New Year

Happy New Year, my Friends!

We had an uneventful week.  Me laying on the couch, hubby pushing food, and kids helping with laundry.  Topping it off with no new bleeding!  I feel successful this week!!

I am hoping we have a shrinking SCH on our hands....that would be most excellent!

So very sleepy still, even though I am doing absolutely nothing.  Still hungry every couple of hours, and super dizzy when I am up doing things.

Looking forward to Monday afternoon, and seeing our little ones.  Late appointment that day....I hope it doesn't seem forever long.  4pm, it is!

We rang in the new year watching a movie with our kids.  How to train your was cute.  Jake grilled me a steak, since I had been craving protein, and because the thought of chicken makes me feel like I will lose my lunch, and I can't eat anything hard because of these braces.  It was perfect and I felt a lot better after eating it.  He also got me some key lime pie...trying to fatten me up.  :)  It's not working quite yet.  You would think the combination of doing nothing and eating fattening foods would do the trick, but, no such luck as of yet.

I am blessed to have him taking such good care of me.  Thank you, honey.  You are the best! 

Glad for a new day!  Glad for a new year!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Start Spreading the News

The cat is out of the bag....well sorta.  :)

We told the kids Monday night.  They were all excited, and it was like a light bulb went on for each of them...they suddenly got why mom was laying around being a bum.  haha.  It's nice to feel free to talk about it if I feel like, and not feel I have to hide it.

Yesterday, we started to let the families know.  Some of them were here while we were doing the retrieval and transfer, so they were chomping at the bit to hear some news.  Thankfully we had some good stuff to tell them.  My mother screamed into the phone...hurt my ear a little.  :)  Anyway, the consensus is happiness all around.

Today I had to try and nail down a Perionatologist to get scheduled so I am not without someone when the RE releases us.  It's hard to find someone, for such a personal thing..and I of course have to find someone that delivers at a different's all a big pain.  We think we will go to Loma Linda this time...Have any of you heard anything about them?  I'm not sure if there are really many other options close enough for us, but we definitely want to hear some reviews on it, if you all know of any.

Thankfully there have been no major bleeding episodes since the one last week.  There are still small clots being passed, but it's old stuff.  It eases my mind a little.  I have been laying down and doing very little this past week, and we are hoping this will help heal the tear that was causing the far so good.  We are going in for another look at things on Monday...if I can wait that long.  They said we could come before the weekend if it would ease our minds...will see, tomorrow is the only opportunity for that. 

Overall, if I can keep my tummy full constantly I am pretty good.  I've been super tired, and dizzy, but the hunger pains are the biggest issue...that and my teeth hurt from these braces so I am limited on what I can and cannot chew.  That is a huge pain!  So far, so good, this week.

Not quite ready to make the big announcement...we may be forced into it soon.  Some of our family members have big mouths.  :)

Monday, December 27, 2010

8 weeks: Our little Miracles

What can I say, when there really are no words that could express what we are feeling right now.  I'm am at a loss, and for good reason.

To be told all hope is lost, and to prepare for the worst...words we have heard often this's hard to imagine the other side of it, that there are no absolutes.  That God is bigger than all this, and the bigger picture isn't in our sights.  There really are no words...I am in AWE of all that is happening.  I find myself in tears as I sit in amazement of this blessing...or should I say, of these blessings.  

Thankfully, my hubby was able to witness this wonderful sight, with his own eyes, and not just take my word for it.  We could clearly see both babies at the same time, with both little hearts beating away.  What a beautiful picture!  The first heartbeat was 162 and the second was 158.  Nice and strong, and up quite a bit from 4 days ago.  They were measuring 7w6d, and 7w5d, so just a day or two behind isn't bad, especially for me, they usually are smaller than this.  :) 

We are still dealing with a rather large SCH, and it even appears to be coming from both babies...there is really no telling for sure at this point, but it's behind both sacs.  It looks to be mostly clots and old blood, just a small amount of new bleeding.  This means we watch closely to see what happens, and pray with everything in us that it heals up and goes away.  More days of sitting on my rear end are ahead of me.  My house is paying for it, but I have a pretty good incentive to lay low for awhile. 

 The big black thing on the left is the bleed, it's not showing all of it in this picture, and then there are the two babies, one above the bleed and one to the right of it.  :)  Beautiful!  

Sunday, December 26, 2010

As We Wait

Thankfully, as we have been waiting this week has been full of merriment and wonder.  Otherwise, I'm certain I would be crazy by now. 

Since the AMAZING appointment on Thursday, I have felt both blessed and shocked all in the same moment.  Since Thursday the bleeding has been a constant reminder of how scary things are, and will remain until this thing clears up.  Thursday afternoon was rough, with lots of cramping and bleeding.  Friday wasn't as bad, and the bleeding was not the same, which was a very good thing.  Christmas was pretty uneventful, and I was thankful...and then onto today, and there is something more going on, but it's old stuff, thankfully. 

Tomorrow, the hubs goes with me...he missed the other appointment that was so crazy on Thursday.  I pray that things are still looking good, with 2 little hearts beating stronger, and a bleed that has become smaller. 

As we wait, I'm a little nervous, and still very hopeful. 

2:00 is the time.  I hope to have even better news to share with you than the last post, maybe even a picture...Here's to hoping!