Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Feeling Full

I'm thinking my ovaries are nice and full right about now.  It's pretty tender. 

I realized that on my last cycle I was using follistim.  It was the first time I had ever used it; it had always been Gonal-F before, and I respond well to that.  Anyhow, last time things were slower and this time with the Gonal I am back to responding the way I normally do.  Another difference though is that I have taken Menopur every night with my Gonal...last years cycle I had only taken the Menopur 3 times, not daily like now.  This could mean more mature eggs this time for me, which is what I am hoping.  I guess tomorrow we will see how things are looking.  Thinking it will be a Monday retrieval.  It should probably be on Sunday, but my clinic only does them on Monday-Wednesday.  They are way too planned out.  It doesn't allow for much in the way of change. 

I am praying that Mr. Personality doesn't get me upset tomorrow...

I may not be as nice as I was the other day, if things go the same.  I like to be nice, but, if I have to, I will say something.  I learned that the hard way when we lost Johnny this year.  Never again will I be passive when it comes to my families health care.  One of the many tough lessons learned during a time of heartache.

We live and we learn, and tomorrow is a new day. 


  1. I hope everything looks good tomorrow without any drama. Although good for you for being prepared to speak up!

    I am surprised your clinic only does ERs for 3 specific days!?

  2. It's pretty crazy that they do it that way...I don't know how they can be so planned out. So strange.
