Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Wait

Is this going to be the longest week ever?

I think it might be.  Our company is gone, so there goes that distraction.  Bed rest until tomorrow night, then I can finally shower my stinky self.  :)  Thankfully I have Thanksgiving and DH's birthday on the same day to keep me busy.  I am making my family dinner, and my SIL is coming from SD to spend the day with us.  Other than that, bed rest is boring....and I have a list of things I could be doing. 

Patience never was my strong point.  My life has been full of hurry up and wait, you would think I'd have it figured out by now. 

I can't stop looking at that picture of my beautiful little embryos.  Hoping for the week to speed by with happy news awaiting. 

1 comment:

  1. At least the wait is shorter with a 5dt, right? But it still feels like centuries. Thinking of you, excited to celebrate your wonderful news soon!
