Thursday, November 11, 2010

I had a Feeling * With Update

I thought those ovaries felt full, and they are.  I have responded too well to the meds.  I am waiting for my E2 levels to come back this afternoon to know if they are going to let me go ahead with retrieval or not.  They have dangled the words cancel over my head.

I am going to be stuffing my face full of protein and praying that things stay in the safe range.  I'm having trouble eating this protein bar this's super hard to chew them with sore teeth and brackets and wires in the way.  The shakes may be a better option.

Anyway, I have quite a few more than the RE said the other day.  They are all measuring 16-17mm, approximately 17-20 follies growing at the same pace.  They are saying to trigger Saturday night, and do the retrieval Monday morning, if all looks good with the E2...they say they don't want it to be higher than 4000.  I'm a little nervous.

I am going be doing a lot of praying over these next couple days...

Will update my E2 level this afternoon, thankfully I won't have to wait until tomorrow.


We got the okay, and I feel relieved!  The E2 level was at 2340.  It will be well above 4000 on Saturday when I trigger, so I am just thankful that they aren't seeing me again before the trigger and we get the go ahead.

The only bummer about this is the timing for the retrieval.  I have to trigger at 3:15 AM....Yuck.  That puts my retrieval at 1:15 on Monday afternoon.  Which means that we will be stuck in SoCal traffic on the way home, and that means it will likely take us 2-3 hours to drive 40 miles.  They had to switch locations on us...something about the embryology lab losing pressure and needing to get it back on track.  So new location, that we aren't familiar with, but same people so it should be just fine. 

They dropped me down to 37.5 Gonal-F and no more menopur...It was so nice to do only one little shot tonight.  We are on our way now. 

1 comment:

  1. Whew, I'm so relieved you weren't canceled! Awesome news!!

    I can relate to the bad ER time....mine is at 1:00pm today, so I had to trigger. at 2:00am (it's interesting that our clinics differ by an hour for the trigger/ ER timing). It's also hard to not be able to eat anything all day.

    Getting excited for you!!
