Monday, December 6, 2010

2 more Weeks

Only 2....Just 2 weeks, that's no big deal, right? 

It seems like forever.  After all the hoopla of the past several weeks, all the appointments and contact with the RE comes to a screeching halt, and we are left waiting and wondering.

We wonder if everything is okay, we wonder if both embryos are still growing, we wonder what we will see and feel when we finally set our eyes on the screen that gives us a glimpse of the life that is growing.  This wait is by far the hardest part of it all.  We do not intend to share with the kids what is going on, until we really know what is going on.  It makes it tough, since I look like I am 4 months along already, but, to give them hope that maybe...well we need to be more sure before we offer that hope to them. 

Years ago we told the kids that I might be pregnant.  I was in fact pregnant, but wanted to be sure things were going well, before we said it was definitely happening.  Just a few days later, I had lost the baby.  Their hearts sunk, and so did ours.  While there are never any guarantees, we feel that we need to be cautious with how we approach most things in life.  Nothing is for sure.  We learned that the hard way this year.  I feel really good about what's growing on in there :)  I am very hopeful that things are going to be great.  For now though, we will keep our lips sealed as long as possible, and hope that we can offer this gift to the kids on Christmas morning, news that our family is happily growing and healthy.

I really do feel good about this pregnancy.  I can't wait to see things...that will be the icing on the cake.  I am looking very forward to giving my family and kids great news this Christmas...what a gift that will be. 

2 weeks...
This week will fly by, it's super busy.  Next week isn't as full, and I have a feeling it may seem really, really long. 

Patience!  I must dig deep to find it.  :) 

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