Wednesday, December 15, 2010

6 weeks 2 days

So far so good.  No more bleeding since that first incident.  I know more will be coming based off the size of that bleed.  For now though, I am thankful that it's not constant. 

The RE called and needed to change the appointment time to earlier, which meant Jake wouldn't make it in time.  I felt it would be important for him to go, so he could see for himself instead of just taking my word for it.  Sometimes a picture speaks a thousand words.  Anyway, I have changed the appointment to Friday...not that I want to wait that long, but I also want my hubby's hand to hold.  So, as long as there is no more bleeding as of now, I can make it a whole other day if it means not going alone. 

Still hopeful that those little ones are growing and doing what they need to do to become strong and healthy babies.  I feel tired, and super hungry...and dizzy is my new friend that goes with me wherever I go. 

Continuing to pray my hearts desires.  Thanks for praying, friends. 

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