Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Grueling Day

It has been an emotional day.  We were being prepared for a huge meeting tomorrow.  A meeting that we shouldn't have to do.  Tomorrow we are giving our say it's emotional is a complete understatement.  We both cried today, and it was just preparation for what is to come when we are grilled tomorrow. 

They are not asking anything that we don't have answers to.  What they are asking is what happened to our son from the time he took his first breath, to the time he took his last.  I would normally post something like this on my other blog...but, I have to be careful what I say on there...they are out there reading, and can use anything against us.  I just needed an outlet tonight. 

We face an emotional, and very long day tomorrow.  Once it's done, we shouldn't have to do anything more...and if nothing comes of least I know they will think twice next time a mom expresses her concern for her child...and they just might catch something before another little one losses it's life.  Before another family faces an unbelievable loss like we have. 

They (the other side)  have to prove that there was nothing they could have done to save him...We on our side have to show if they had listened to us the first time we raised a concern, from the moment he wasn't breathing when he was born...that he needed help then and if they had listened he would still be here with us.  It's an uphill battle, and these cases are hard to prove.  We gain nothing from this...but, maybe just maybe, a little life will be saved because of it.  That is my prayer.