Monday, December 13, 2010

A Scary Day

Actually, Friday started it with some sharp pains in my side.  I wasn't able to get in until this afternoon to have it looked at.  That made for a long weekend.

All looked pretty good today.  We were able to see 2 sacs in the uterus, ruling out an ectopic.  Twins!

Then the RE said, there may be a third...that was a shock.  She also said it may be a SCH, and we would have to wait and see.  We also weren't able to see heartbeats yet, although she didn't spend much time looking. 

Well it seems I didn't have to wait long.  I started cramping tonight, and then came the really scary part.  I stood up and felt a gush, and I knew what it was.  I started bleeding tonight.  It's a scary thing, and I am praying that it is coming from what the RE thought might be a Subchorionic Hemorrhage...if that is what it is, it needs to heal, and not grow anymore.  If it's not, well I don't know what to do, but, at this point I am not going to jump to any conclusions and will wait until they can take another look at things more closely to give me an idea of what is happening.  I am scared, but I am putting in God's capable hands...knowing it's totally out of mine anyway.

Hoping to get some reassuring news tomorrow.  Thanks for praying for my little ones.

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