Friday, December 17, 2010

Another rough Night

Yesterday the RE was able to wait on us to get to the office before she had to leave, so we could take a little look at things. 

We saw a heartbeat in one of the sacs, and the other looks like something is going on in it, so the RE anticipates seeing a heartbeat on Monday at our next appointment.  The bleed hadn't grown either, so it was a good news day for us.

Last night though, I started to get another headache, which isn't the end of the world.  When I went to bed though, I had started cramping and bleeding again.  It's so frustrating.  Woke up with the headache, and the bleeding has slowed. 

Today I am trying not to be frustrated.  It's hard, but I keep praying that everything will be okay. 

Lately all I do is pray.  At least I have that.  This week has been a little topsy turvy, looking forward to some calm. 

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