Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me

Some days just do not go as planned. 

I went to bed with a headache last night, and woke up with a migraine this morning, that left me hugging the toilet all day, and sleeping on the bathroom floor.  How's that for a lovely Birthday. 

The only thing getting me through that was the call I was supposed to get telling me about my beta numbers.  Around 1:45 the call came...

She said this:  "Hi, Marsha.  We are not going to be able to give you your beta results today." 

I thought she was joking....not so much

There was a problem at the lab, they have it back up and working, but are now out of the solution that they need to run the tests.  They will have more tomorrow.


I will now get the results tomorrow afternoon, after my second beta has been drawn that I will get the results of on Thursday. 

I was extremely disappointed.  What a crummy day.

On a more thankful note... My hubby got me to a Chiropractor this afternoon and I am finally beginning to feel much better.  Not so crummy after all.  Love you, Jake.  :) 

Monday, November 29, 2010

Beta Day

Blood was drawn this morning.  Have to wait until tomorrow afternoon for the results.  Bleh! 

Did some Christmas shopping to kill some time today.  Now to get through the evening and the day tomorrow without losing my mind. 

I don't like this waiting...I suppose the saying, "Good things come to those who wait" must ring a little true. 

Hoping for good things...too many times we've had rough betas...Not this time!  :) 

Sunday, November 28, 2010

8dp5dt Looking like Christmas

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas at our house.  My kids seem giddy with excitement.  Glad they still act like little kids when it's time to Deck the Halls...some things are never outgrown.  :)

Lots of cleaning and organizing going on, along with gift wrapping and the eating of leftovers...which are finally almost gone.  Woot!

These past few days I have had a lot of cramping.  At the end of the day it's at it's worst.  To add to it, last night I bent over to sift through the wrapping paper and felt my back tweak in a way that made me cringe.  Ouch!  Not fun!  All of this must be a good sign that things are going as they should...or that is how I am taking it at least.

Tomorrow is the big beta day.  I have to wait until Tuesday to get the results though.  That is the worst.  Hoping for a nice happy number for my birthday present, how ironic the results come on that day.

We are feeling blessed today.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


The line is still getting darker.  Good news!

Over the past couple of days, I have been having a bit of cramping.  It's pretty uncomfortable, so I have just been taking it easy.  There has also been some dizziness, although it doesn't last long.   It feels like I have sea legs instead of land legs occasionally...which wouldn't be bad if I had just been at sea.  :)

I am already finding that the wait until the ultrasound seems forever away.  That wait is by far worse than the 2ww, and waiting on betas...so much is at stake, and we have to wait to hear if all is well.  For a person like me, that has had 5 miscarriages, the first ultrasound is agonizing to wait for.  I think they will schedule it for December 20th....they will not do one before the 7th week.

So, as with everything else in life, we get on the hurry up and wait bus, and try to fill our days to help them pass quickly.

Obviously the next step is getting good beta numbers, so we take that step first and then we wait some more.  We are very hopeful, and very optimistic that things are going to go well.  I have to believe that way, life would be too hard otherwise.

I suppose there is much to be done between now and Christmas.  Maybe this wait won't seem quite as long as it normally does.  Here's to hoping!

Friday, November 26, 2010


The line is getting darker.  =) 

I won't be able to hide this for very long.  As soon as the pregnancy hormone hits my system, I bloat up.  I wonder if the kids will be on to me a lot sooner this time?   Will see! 

Think I will finish up the Christmas decorating today, and start wrapping some presents. 

The house goes back on the market today, and we have some decisions to make in the next few weeks that will change many things in our life.  We weren't able to sell the house as a standard sale...we now go forward with a short sale.  It's uncomfortable to do this, but necessary.   There is no work for DH, and lay offs are coming before the end of the year.  We can't afford the house when that happens, and will likely be moving at the first of the year.  We have a full plate.  I am trying not to sweat this stuff, as we all know this is just a hiccup along the bumpy road.  We lost more precious things to us this year.  It's puts losing a house and job into perspective a bit.  Still painful though. 

I suppose I will never have life fully figured out, and will never take anything for granted again. 

Life changes in the blink of any eye.  Sometimes the news is great, and sometimes we feel like we can't carry on, but, that is when we realize that we are being carried.  

Today, there is hope on the horizon...even in the midst of this mess. 

Thursday, November 25, 2010

5dp5dt Happy Thanksgiving

Yesterday I tested, and the trigger was out of my system. 

Today I tested and we are overjoyed that we got a POSITIVE!  Holy Crap, I can't believe it!  :) 

Two nights ago, I had some spotting, but I didn't say anything, because my hubby reads this and I didn't want to give him any false hope.  I felt pretty sure it was a good sign. 

There was a battle going on in my brain this morning that had me debating whether or not I should test.  Risking a negative, even though it's early could have been a little disappointing.  In my mind I know, hey it's early lady, don't fret...but you all know how this mind game works.  I had visions of a happy morning shared with my hubs, showing him a positive test for his birthday.  I gave in and tested for that very thing, because how happy would that be.  So glad I didn't talk myself out of it, we would have missed out on this happy moment.  So with tears we held onto each other tightly, with a renewed hope for the future. 

I am in shock!  I am overjoyed!  Thanking God this morning, for this wonderful blessing. 

Happy Thanksgiving, from my the bottom of my thankful heart. 

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Nothing really new here. 

Going to be baking all day, and preparing for dinner tomorrow.  Hoping it keeps me busy enough to keep my mind off of the waiting. 

Hope you have a great holiday with your families.  :)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I woke up feeling just dandy this morning, and ready to be off of bed rest.  The day has quickly turned from just another day, to being just another one of those hard days. 

I remain hopeful for this cycle to be successful.  There is no reason not to feel that way. 

Today has been hard for a very different reason. 

I am finding myself feeling very overwhelmed with grief.  We pulled out the Christmas tree today, in an effort to do just a little bit of decorating at a time to not make a mess.  As soon as we had it in the living room, still in the bag, my thoughts went to how much joy we had last year when we were preparing for what it would be like this year.  Joy...it's hard to find it today.

My son would have been crawling this Christmas, in awe of the beautiful lights, and giggling with his brother and sisters.  That was what I pictured last year.  Teaching him the thrill of tearing open a package with a perfect little toy just for him.  Buying his first Christmas ornament and putting it on the tree, and getting his first taste of a Christmas cookie.  What a beautiful picture it was.

Reality is this.  He is not here, and he wasn't meant for this world.  It hurts my heart.  So many of our dreams have been called to a screeching halt.  It's a long list that is continuing to grow as the year goes on, but, the hardest of them all is just that he is not here.  We don't get to make those memories with him, and I can't help but cry when I think about it.

I knew it was going to be hard....I didn't know it would feel this hard as long as it has.  A little piece of me went with him, and I am forever changed.

The tree goes up for my kids.  Christmas comes this year, and as with all years, it brings hope.  That's what keeps me going.  I move forward with Hope, and I hold on tightly, because without it, this would all be for nothing.

Believing, Loving and Hoping today.  

Monday, November 22, 2010

Final Embryo Report

We have 3 snowbabies.  :) 

We've never had any make it to this stage.  It wasn't expected, but, it's a pleasant surprise. 

Obviously, after this one or two come along, we will try again.  This could be fun!

So far, I feel fine.  Bored out of my mind laying around here.  Just have to get through today.  Lounging in the living room this morning in front of the fire isn't really that bad.  It's kinda relaxing.  I'm loving this cooler weather, snuggling up isn't so bad after all.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Wait

Is this going to be the longest week ever?

I think it might be.  Our company is gone, so there goes that distraction.  Bed rest until tomorrow night, then I can finally shower my stinky self.  :)  Thankfully I have Thanksgiving and DH's birthday on the same day to keep me busy.  I am making my family dinner, and my SIL is coming from SD to spend the day with us.  Other than that, bed rest is boring....and I have a list of things I could be doing. 

Patience never was my strong point.  My life has been full of hurry up and wait, you would think I'd have it figured out by now. 

I can't stop looking at that picture of my beautiful little embryos.  Hoping for the week to speed by with happy news awaiting. 

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day 5 Blastocyst...Transfer Day

Textbook Perfection!  These were the words of the Embryologist and the RE today.  So much hope in those words. 

They also told me I was right to insist on waiting until day 5, since there was no way to rule out which Embryos would be best for transfer.  It would have been a huge gamble.  There were several others that were at the early blastocyst stage, so they would be watched for a day.  There were a couple that completely stopped growing. Sounds like there may be about 4 that they thought might be good enough quality to be frozen.  Will see.  I'm so happy I insisted on waiting a couple days.  :)

It feels great to have these two sweet little embryos in their rightful home.  Now, the dreaded wait.

Wish me sanity!  So very hopeful.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Transfer Tomorrow

Tomorrow morning, I will have the privilege of having my little embryos where they belong. 

I am overjoyed.  Thanking God tonight for this beautiful opportunity. 

We go in at 9:30 for a 10:00 transfer.  My first beta is scheduled for November 29th.  They say they won't run it until they draw me again on December 1st....I think not.  :)   I am hoping for good news, my birthday is the 30th, that would be a great gift. 


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 3 Embryo Report

We got the best news today!

11, 8 cell Grade A Embryos

So that means they moved me back to a Saturday transfer.  You cannot believe my relief.  :)

I can't believe how well those little guys are doing.

The best news!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Scared *update*

I just got a call saying they are changing my transfer to tomorrow.  The nurse didn't know why.  The only reason they do that is if the embryos aren't growing and there are just a couple left.

I'm scared.  I want to know what is going on.  They told me they wouldn't be checking them today, so what is going on.  I am waiting for a call to find out what happened...but it's now almost 5pm and I have heard nothing.  They go home at 5.

Praying everything is okay, and they have just made a mistake.


Okay, they are dumb!  It's so frustrating for them to not have a reason why they do what they do.  They did not check the embryos today, and don't know how many are still growing.  They are just lazy and don't want to do very many transfers on Saturday, in my opinion.

Anyway, my RE, who is finally back called to find out what was going on, called to tell me she will have the embryologist check them in the morning and let me know how they look.  If all is looking well still, we are going to switch it back to a Saturday transfer.

I'm so tired of having to be that person who is in the Dr.s faces about doing what's best for me and not whats best and easiest for them.  I lost my son, because Dr's and nurses didn't listen to me when I raised concerns.  I am not going to just bend over and take it anymore.  Excuse the disgusting visual, but so often that is how it feels.

We have to be our own advocates, because they won't do it.

On the other hand:  There is nothing to freak out over, as far as we know our embryos are still growing.  I'm sure we will have lost some when I get the report tomorrow, but I am thankful that not all hope is lost.  There is still hope.  Thank God!

A Quiet Day

The whole crew went to Knotts today, and I stayed home. 

I decided that after my tummy feeling so uncomfortable last night and bloating up like a huge balloon, that it was not a good idea to be on my feet all day.  So I am kicking back today...and doing a little laundry.  It's nice a quiet.  Maybe a nap is in order. 

Last night I was thinking about my fertilization report...

It feels strange and good to know that we have little ones growing that are our precious children.  It won't feel right until they are safely where they belong.  Looking forward to Saturday, and the update we are hoping for on Thursday. 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


This morning started out...frustrating.  I had to be up at the crack of dawn, and hadn't slept well last night, add to that being sore from retrieval.  Frustrating really happened though when I discovered Facebook had deleted my account....for no apparent reason.  Irritating.  Then I got home and found the internet, phones and cable was out.  UGH. 

It took forever to get it all fixed.  All better now, and facebook fixed their glitch that had deleted many women, not just me, so all is well. 

I ended up having to call for my report.  Of course I did.  :) 

Come to find out, they retrieved 18 yesterday.  13 were mature, and 11 fertilized.  So we have 11 today.  That is good news. 

They weren't going to call me with another report...REALLY, they were NOT going to call me again before my transfer on Saturday.  I wasn't happy about it, so now they will be calling on Thursday to give me an update. 

I am oober sore today.  I really, really hurt.  Hoping tomorrow I feel better.  We are planning on wandering around Knotts tomorrow, although I won't be riding a thing.  Thanks to my hubs time in the Air Force we get in for free the month of November.  What a nice perk for being a vet.  :)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Retrieval Day

I feel so relieved to have this part of the phase behind me.  On to crazy town now.  :) 

I had 15 retrieved today.  I am praying they are all mature.  That would be huge for me.  I will get the report tomorrow and know for sure.  Can't wait for the embryo report tomorrow...I hope I don't have to call them to get the report. 

I'm feeling groggy and exhausted.  Time for a nap. 

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Our company arrived....

And then we all got the stomach flu.  Yuck. 

Going in for my retrieval tomorrow (Monday) at 1:15.    I am sore, so looking forward to getting this eggs out. 

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Full House

Our steady stream of company began Thursday night, and will continue well into next week.  It's a really good distraction right now. 

My one year old nephew that came last year when he was just 8 weeks old is now crawling around the house, and getting into things...which keeps me on my toes.  :)   I couldn't help but feel a little sad last night though.  He didn't have anything to play with, and kept getting in the cupboards, so I was looking for something toddler friendly.  I remembered this past February at Johnny's baby shower, receiving some little toys that I had tucked away in the back of the closet this spring.  I didn't melt down, but, deep inside it hurt to think that my son should be playing with his toys right now.  I don't mind that Rocco gets to play with them, but it hurts to think that my son didn't.  Johnny would have been 7 months old on Thursday, and would have loved his toys, and playing with his cousin.  I have a lump in my throat as I type this...my goodness it just still hurts. 

I do however, still have great hopes for tomorrow, and I pray that this cycle will deliver to us a beautiful son or daughter that we are able to bring home and experience all that we missed out on with our sweet little one.  Little Johnny's memory lives on, and I miss him.  My life still goes on, and I have chosen to keep living it, and allowing myself to have a hopes and dreams.  Sometimes though, it still hurts. 

On a lighter note...

I'm ready to do the trigger tonight.  I am ready for retrieval.  I'm just plain ready.  Not only do I have a full house of people...my ovaries feel as full as my house.  A bit tender, and full.  That's not a bad place for me to be right now.  :) 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I had a Feeling * With Update

I thought those ovaries felt full, and they are.  I have responded too well to the meds.  I am waiting for my E2 levels to come back this afternoon to know if they are going to let me go ahead with retrieval or not.  They have dangled the words cancel over my head.

I am going to be stuffing my face full of protein and praying that things stay in the safe range.  I'm having trouble eating this protein bar this morning...it's super hard to chew them with sore teeth and brackets and wires in the way.  The shakes may be a better option.

Anyway, I have quite a few more than the RE said the other day.  They are all measuring 16-17mm, approximately 17-20 follies growing at the same pace.  They are saying to trigger Saturday night, and do the retrieval Monday morning, if all looks good with the E2...they say they don't want it to be higher than 4000.  I'm a little nervous.

I am going be doing a lot of praying over these next couple days...

Will update my E2 level this afternoon, thankfully I won't have to wait until tomorrow.


We got the okay, and I feel relieved!  The E2 level was at 2340.  It will be well above 4000 on Saturday when I trigger, so I am just thankful that they aren't seeing me again before the trigger and we get the go ahead.

The only bummer about this is the timing for the retrieval.  I have to trigger at 3:15 AM....Yuck.  That puts my retrieval at 1:15 on Monday afternoon.  Which means that we will be stuck in SoCal traffic on the way home, and that means it will likely take us 2-3 hours to drive 40 miles.  They had to switch locations on us...something about the embryology lab losing pressure and needing to get it back on track.  So new location, that we aren't familiar with, but same people so it should be just fine. 

They dropped me down to 37.5 Gonal-F and no more menopur...It was so nice to do only one little shot tonight.  We are on our way now. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Feeling Full

I'm thinking my ovaries are nice and full right about now.  It's pretty tender. 

I realized that on my last cycle I was using follistim.  It was the first time I had ever used it; it had always been Gonal-F before, and I respond well to that.  Anyhow, last time things were slower and this time with the Gonal I am back to responding the way I normally do.  Another difference though is that I have taken Menopur every night with my Gonal...last years cycle I had only taken the Menopur 3 times, not daily like now.  This could mean more mature eggs this time for me, which is what I am hoping.  I guess tomorrow we will see how things are looking.  Thinking it will be a Monday retrieval.  It should probably be on Sunday, but my clinic only does them on Monday-Wednesday.  They are way too planned out.  It doesn't allow for much in the way of change. 

I am praying that Mr. Personality doesn't get me upset tomorrow...

I may not be as nice as I was the other day, if things go the same.  I like to be nice, but, if I have to, I will say something.  I learned that the hard way when we lost Johnny this year.  Never again will I be passive when it comes to my families health care.  One of the many tough lessons learned during a time of heartache.

We live and we learn, and tomorrow is a new day. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Labs Update

A little high for only 5 days of stims...so they say.  It was 775 for yesterdays bloodwork.  So I drop down tomorrow night to a very low dose of 75 Gonal-F and still take the menopur.  I'm feeling tender already. 

I will have to start eating lots of protein to ward off OHSS.  I got up to 7400 on my 1st IVF, and ate sickening amounts of protein, and drank gatorade like it was going out of style.  The thought of that makes me feel a little pukey.  Ick.  I will have to be more creative this time since it hurts to chew food. (because of my braces, that were just adjusted yesterday.)  A wee bit sore today.  No pain, no gain. 

I am feeling very hopeful.  :)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Monitoring appointment....

I was super excited to have my first monitoring appointment today, only to be let down with my RE being out for the week and having to deal with her father, who is the founder.  UGH. 

He has no bedside manner at all.  I was disappointed to see him walk in the room.  I felt like I was being played like a video game when he wanded me.  That was a lovely feeling.  Not to mention how quickly he was back and forth measuring only a couple follies and then he was outta there.  He made a comment that we needed to lower my dosage and then walked out.  There was no explanation, or reason for it really at all.  I don't get my E2 levels until tomorrow, and the nurse didn't think my dose would really change when it came down to it.  I left feeling a little irritated and frustrated. 

Anyway, I am responding pretty well as far as I could tell.  He was so quick and did a guesstimate of 12-14 follies all at 11mm.  We were praying that they would be all around the same size.  I tend to have a couple over achievers that act as if it's a race to the finish line that take over. 

I don't go back in until Thursday morning...I wish they monitored more. 

I have company coming Friday, and then more Saturday...and then more Tuesday, and then another on Friday... So much for family not knowing what we are up too...Goodness me.  :)  

Guess we will just lay it all out there.  Where would the fun be otherwise, right? 

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Off we go

I feel like such an airhead.  I forgot my lupron this morning.  UGH.  I didn't remember until 3 hours past the time I am supposed to take it, and I wasn't at home. 

My wonderful hubs, brought it to me so I could get it done without waiting another 2 hours....Thank you honey, I love you! 

I am waiting for the call that my labs were fine so I can start stims tomorrow.  The ultrasound went really well, and my ovaries were nice and quiet...ready for all the excitement that is to come hopefully. 

My first appointment to see my progress won't be until next Monday.  So, we will have to wait and see how things are going until then....that seems forever away.  I know with the way my schedule looks this week it will fly by though. 

I am still fighting headaches...this is a new thing for me with the lupron...I hope they don't continue to be a bother much longer.  In about a week the only thing I can take that works to get them to go away will not be okay to take. 

All in all, it's a little boring right now.  Next week the party will be in my ovaries.  Can't wait!