Tuesday, November 16, 2010


This morning started out...frustrating.  I had to be up at the crack of dawn, and hadn't slept well last night, add to that being sore from retrieval.  Frustrating really happened though when I discovered Facebook had deleted my account....for no apparent reason.  Irritating.  Then I got home and found the internet, phones and cable was out.  UGH. 

It took forever to get it all fixed.  All better now, and facebook fixed their glitch that had deleted many women, not just me, so all is well. 

I ended up having to call for my report.  Of course I did.  :) 

Come to find out, they retrieved 18 yesterday.  13 were mature, and 11 fertilized.  So we have 11 today.  That is good news. 

They weren't going to call me with another report...REALLY, they were NOT going to call me again before my transfer on Saturday.  I wasn't happy about it, so now they will be calling on Thursday to give me an update. 

I am oober sore today.  I really, really hurt.  Hoping tomorrow I feel better.  We are planning on wandering around Knotts tomorrow, although I won't be riding a thing.  Thanks to my hubs time in the Air Force we get in for free the month of November.  What a nice perk for being a vet.  :)


  1. I am sorry you are so sore! But good for you for advocating for yourself and getting more fert reports! Praying that the 11 you have continue to divide and grow!

    I have been meaning to ask you about your time in Idaho. I only lived there for 2.5 years but loved it. It's a special place to me for sure. :)

  2. 13 mature and 11 fertilized is wonderful!!! Congrats!
