Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Off we go

I feel like such an airhead.  I forgot my lupron this morning.  UGH.  I didn't remember until 3 hours past the time I am supposed to take it, and I wasn't at home. 

My wonderful hubs, brought it to me so I could get it done without waiting another 2 hours....Thank you honey, I love you! 

I am waiting for the call that my labs were fine so I can start stims tomorrow.  The ultrasound went really well, and my ovaries were nice and quiet...ready for all the excitement that is to come hopefully. 

My first appointment to see my progress won't be until next Monday.  So, we will have to wait and see how things are going until then....that seems forever away.  I know with the way my schedule looks this week it will fly by though. 

I am still fighting headaches...this is a new thing for me with the lupron...I hope they don't continue to be a bother much longer.  In about a week the only thing I can take that works to get them to go away will not be okay to take. 

All in all, it's a little boring right now.  Next week the party will be in my ovaries.  Can't wait!


  1. Let the fun begin! Once stims start, everything seems to go in fast forward. So exciting!

    Sorry about the Lupron headaches, though. =/

  2. Our cycles are so close together!! Praying for you!

