Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me

Some days just do not go as planned. 

I went to bed with a headache last night, and woke up with a migraine this morning, that left me hugging the toilet all day, and sleeping on the bathroom floor.  How's that for a lovely Birthday. 

The only thing getting me through that was the call I was supposed to get telling me about my beta numbers.  Around 1:45 the call came...

She said this:  "Hi, Marsha.  We are not going to be able to give you your beta results today." 

I thought she was joking....not so much

There was a problem at the lab, they have it back up and working, but are now out of the solution that they need to run the tests.  They will have more tomorrow.


I will now get the results tomorrow afternoon, after my second beta has been drawn that I will get the results of on Thursday. 

I was extremely disappointed.  What a crummy day.

On a more thankful note... My hubby got me to a Chiropractor this afternoon and I am finally beginning to feel much better.  Not so crummy after all.  Love you, Jake.  :) 

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday! I am sorry you felt so unwell today AND they couldn't give your beta - that is a sad birthday :( Hang in there and I hope you get a late birthday present in a couple days!
