Sunday, November 28, 2010

8dp5dt Looking like Christmas

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas at our house.  My kids seem giddy with excitement.  Glad they still act like little kids when it's time to Deck the Halls...some things are never outgrown.  :)

Lots of cleaning and organizing going on, along with gift wrapping and the eating of leftovers...which are finally almost gone.  Woot!

These past few days I have had a lot of cramping.  At the end of the day it's at it's worst.  To add to it, last night I bent over to sift through the wrapping paper and felt my back tweak in a way that made me cringe.  Ouch!  Not fun!  All of this must be a good sign that things are going as they should...or that is how I am taking it at least.

Tomorrow is the big beta day.  I have to wait until Tuesday to get the results though.  That is the worst.  Hoping for a nice happy number for my birthday present, how ironic the results come on that day.

We are feeling blessed today.

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