Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Scared *update*

I just got a call saying they are changing my transfer to tomorrow.  The nurse didn't know why.  The only reason they do that is if the embryos aren't growing and there are just a couple left.

I'm scared.  I want to know what is going on.  They told me they wouldn't be checking them today, so what is going on.  I am waiting for a call to find out what happened...but it's now almost 5pm and I have heard nothing.  They go home at 5.

Praying everything is okay, and they have just made a mistake.


Okay, they are dumb!  It's so frustrating for them to not have a reason why they do what they do.  They did not check the embryos today, and don't know how many are still growing.  They are just lazy and don't want to do very many transfers on Saturday, in my opinion.

Anyway, my RE, who is finally back called to find out what was going on, called to tell me she will have the embryologist check them in the morning and let me know how they look.  If all is looking well still, we are going to switch it back to a Saturday transfer.

I'm so tired of having to be that person who is in the Dr.s faces about doing what's best for me and not whats best and easiest for them.  I lost my son, because Dr's and nurses didn't listen to me when I raised concerns.  I am not going to just bend over and take it anymore.  Excuse the disgusting visual, but so often that is how it feels.

We have to be our own advocates, because they won't do it.

On the other hand:  There is nothing to freak out over, as far as we know our embryos are still growing.  I'm sure we will have lost some when I get the report tomorrow, but I am thankful that not all hope is lost.  There is still hope.  Thank God!

1 comment:

  1. Ugh, that is so frustrating! I'm glad you did get to talk to them tonight rather than worry all night. Praying your embryos are growing strong!
