Friday, November 26, 2010


The line is getting darker.  =) 

I won't be able to hide this for very long.  As soon as the pregnancy hormone hits my system, I bloat up.  I wonder if the kids will be on to me a lot sooner this time?   Will see! 

Think I will finish up the Christmas decorating today, and start wrapping some presents. 

The house goes back on the market today, and we have some decisions to make in the next few weeks that will change many things in our life.  We weren't able to sell the house as a standard sale...we now go forward with a short sale.  It's uncomfortable to do this, but necessary.   There is no work for DH, and lay offs are coming before the end of the year.  We can't afford the house when that happens, and will likely be moving at the first of the year.  We have a full plate.  I am trying not to sweat this stuff, as we all know this is just a hiccup along the bumpy road.  We lost more precious things to us this year.  It's puts losing a house and job into perspective a bit.  Still painful though. 

I suppose I will never have life fully figured out, and will never take anything for granted again. 

Life changes in the blink of any eye.  Sometimes the news is great, and sometimes we feel like we can't carry on, but, that is when we realize that we are being carried.  

Today, there is hope on the horizon...even in the midst of this mess. 

1 comment:

  1. Woo hoo! I had a smile on my face all day yesterday because of your wonderful news!

    As for the short sale, I understand. We short sold our house in Hailey, Idaho last year and while it felt wrong to do, we had to do it to be able to provide for our family. Email me if you need any help. It was a stressful process at times, and took a lot of pushing the bank, but we got it through in 2 months.

    Thrilled for you!
