Saturday, November 27, 2010


The line is still getting darker.  Good news!

Over the past couple of days, I have been having a bit of cramping.  It's pretty uncomfortable, so I have just been taking it easy.  There has also been some dizziness, although it doesn't last long.   It feels like I have sea legs instead of land legs occasionally...which wouldn't be bad if I had just been at sea.  :)

I am already finding that the wait until the ultrasound seems forever away.  That wait is by far worse than the 2ww, and waiting on much is at stake, and we have to wait to hear if all is well.  For a person like me, that has had 5 miscarriages, the first ultrasound is agonizing to wait for.  I think they will schedule it for December 20th....they will not do one before the 7th week.

So, as with everything else in life, we get on the hurry up and wait bus, and try to fill our days to help them pass quickly.

Obviously the next step is getting good beta numbers, so we take that step first and then we wait some more.  We are very hopeful, and very optimistic that things are going to go well.  I have to believe that way, life would be too hard otherwise.

I suppose there is much to be done between now and Christmas.  Maybe this wait won't seem quite as long as it normally does.  Here's to hoping!

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