Monday, November 8, 2010

Monitoring appointment....

I was super excited to have my first monitoring appointment today, only to be let down with my RE being out for the week and having to deal with her father, who is the founder.  UGH. 

He has no bedside manner at all.  I was disappointed to see him walk in the room.  I felt like I was being played like a video game when he wanded me.  That was a lovely feeling.  Not to mention how quickly he was back and forth measuring only a couple follies and then he was outta there.  He made a comment that we needed to lower my dosage and then walked out.  There was no explanation, or reason for it really at all.  I don't get my E2 levels until tomorrow, and the nurse didn't think my dose would really change when it came down to it.  I left feeling a little irritated and frustrated. 

Anyway, I am responding pretty well as far as I could tell.  He was so quick and did a guesstimate of 12-14 follies all at 11mm.  We were praying that they would be all around the same size.  I tend to have a couple over achievers that act as if it's a race to the finish line that take over. 

I don't go back in until Thursday morning...I wish they monitored more. 

I have company coming Friday, and then more Saturday...and then more Tuesday, and then another on Friday... So much for family not knowing what we are up too...Goodness me.  :)  

Guess we will just lay it all out there.  Where would the fun be otherwise, right? 


  1. Well that sucks. I am sorry he wasn't more pleasant. But hey, as long as the meds are doing their job, all will be ok! Prayers for good news Thursday!

  2. Boo - how disappointing to not have your RE around! But it sounds like you are responding really well and things are right on track, so yay for that! Good luck with all the company coming're brave :)
