Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Labs Update

A little high for only 5 days of stims...so they say.  It was 775 for yesterdays bloodwork.  So I drop down tomorrow night to a very low dose of 75 Gonal-F and still take the menopur.  I'm feeling tender already. 

I will have to start eating lots of protein to ward off OHSS.  I got up to 7400 on my 1st IVF, and ate sickening amounts of protein, and drank gatorade like it was going out of style.  The thought of that makes me feel a little pukey.  Ick.  I will have to be more creative this time since it hurts to chew food. (because of my braces, that were just adjusted yesterday.)  A wee bit sore today.  No pain, no gain. 

I am feeling very hopeful.  :)


  1. Wow that sounds really great!! Glad you are responding so well :)

  2. Yes, it's a little scary though. :)
