Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day 5 Blastocyst...Transfer Day

Textbook Perfection!  These were the words of the Embryologist and the RE today.  So much hope in those words. 

They also told me I was right to insist on waiting until day 5, since there was no way to rule out which Embryos would be best for transfer.  It would have been a huge gamble.  There were several others that were at the early blastocyst stage, so they would be watched for a day.  There were a couple that completely stopped growing. Sounds like there may be about 4 that they thought might be good enough quality to be frozen.  Will see.  I'm so happy I insisted on waiting a couple days.  :)

It feels great to have these two sweet little embryos in their rightful home.  Now, the dreaded wait.

Wish me sanity!  So very hopeful.